GRAB 7 Steps to Making Fertility Treatment Decisions That Feel Right TODAY!

hello there!

I am Leah, Registered Social Worker (Ontario, Canada), Founder of Conceive Resilience and The Fertility Resilience Project, and YOUR Fertility Companion.

I help people to ARTfully maintain their resiliency and quality of life despite the stress caused by using Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) for family building.

My one and only goal is to work with you to help you weather the storm of fertility treatments. To ARTfully pause: to create the space you need to deliberately rest and digest all that is happening to your mind and body so that you can come out the other side with intact relationships, still feeling like yourself. I can support your partner (if you have one) and your family and friends too, to ensure that you are surrounded by people that understand and can respond helpfully to everything you are going through. 

I’ve been in the business of helping people of all ages for more than 16 years.  I've worked in community mental health, harm reduction and substance use programs serving marginalized people as a drop-in and outreach worker, case manager, peer education program facilitator, volunteer coordinator and program supervisor.
I created Conceive Resilience to meet an unmet need that I myself struggled with.  When I was a fertility patient, I couldn't find the right providers or programs to support me and my mental health in the ways I needed it within the fertility clinic itself.  Even when I sought mental health help outside the clinic, it fell short when I was in my time of need.    I saw first hand that there is a greater need to provide easy to access coping and resiliency support to people who are using Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) to build their families.  I am committed to ensuring Conceive Resilience helps fill the gaps.

As a social worker ~ or, more specifically, YOUR social worker and fertility companion ~ my top priorities are to: 

Help you EMPOWER yourself

I help you reduce the stress of researching everything to do with fertility by offering education about common challenges and obstacles you rub up against while undergoing fertility treatments. I provide you with tools that are packed with guidance on how to make informed decisions, how to cope with, and address, these concerns.  Enter The Fertility Resilience Project!

Help you NURTURE yourself

I provide counselling and goal-oriented coaching —tailored to you tools—to help you reduce your stress, to deliberately and ARTFully Pause so that you can create the space you need to rest your mind and body, reduce the overwhelm, determine your own goals and live by your own values.

Help you BLOOM

I guide you along your journey with experiential tools so that you come into the beauty of your resilient body, mind, and soul.  It is from THIS calm beautiful space within yourself that you CAN  ARTfully navigate the daily stressors and outcomes of your fertility journey, however that may look for you.

Here is how we can work together

Whether it is education, emotional support, personalized coping tools, or helping to build up your circle of family and friends to meet you half way during your fertility journey, Conceive Resilience has something to offer you that will transform your experience of the trials and tribulations of using ART for the chance of building the family of your dreams.


I provide workshops and programs that are designed to provide participants with the information and knowledge that increases their awareness of ARTful coping strategies for dealing with the myriad ways that using Assisted Reproductive Technologies impacts life and relationships. 


Our initial work together begins with a 90-minute introductory meeting and assessment of your current situation and your goals. Follow-up sessions are 50 minutes and revolve around listening time and targeted coaching to help you reach your specified goals.

Coping Tools

Struggling to cope with the stress caused by fertility treatments? Looking to DIY your fertility coping tool kit? From situation specific self help workbooks to guided audios, I createe resources specifically for you to ARTfully cope with your fertility journey.

Wraparound Support

 I provide wraparound services for your personal support network too, so that your people can learn about fertility treatments, how the experience typically impacts the people at centre of the journey, and how they can get on board to ARTfully provide you with the emotional and social support you really need. 

Ready to take the next step?

Book your free 'Meet and Greet' call now!

Let's find a time to connect for 30 minutes to see if we are a good fit for working together.  

Grab this before you go!

7 Steps to Making Fertility Treatment Decisions That Feel Right

Increase your confidence and reduce your stress, even when there is a lot of overwhelming information to consider.